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tv   Good Morning Washington at 500  ABC  October 16, 2012 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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correct the presidential nominees prepare for their second date. will it get the pressure on the man and what will be different -off.their previous face found. been >> relief for the families of to who wentginia hikers issing in montana -- of two virginia hikers. they are on their way home. >> this was done under water, carving a pumpkin. that.e >> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side. i try, i'dr how hard d up with the same face on the pump in every year. good morning, washington.
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tuesday, october 16. i am cynne simpson. >> i am steve chenevey. meteorologisto jacqui jeras. have you carved your pumpkin? >> not yet. it is always triangle eyes. we are dealing with some chilly temperatures this morning. moon and we have mostly clear skies. 54 at reagan national, 50 at dulles, 48 in gaithersburg, 50 in winchester. get into the sixties afternoon. 62 at noon with sunny skies, 66 at 5:00. adam caskey is out live. find out where, in less than 10 minutes. angela.raffic with >> an excellent drive for the part into virginia.
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alexandria, arlington, doing well on 395. a live look at traffic on route lanes open.l in virginia, the only reported is southbound 95 between point rd.rd. and an active work zone through the four corners between new hampshire and university boulevard, the new traffic has two lanes to the right, but all lanes are open well.tting by back to you. >> thank you. our big story, president obama's campaign says expect more performance from the commander in chief tonight. the men will face off at hofstra university in a town hall format. preview.alez has a >> mitt romney clearly won the
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first debate. raised $170dy during his campaign, just shy of the president. heading into their second , can he keep the momentum going? tonight's presidential debate setting, town hall which means audience members be asking the questions, are stillans who undecided. >> both candidates have to tread lightly. they are going on the offense too aggressively with each other, that can spill over to the audience. >> president's camp assures a change of strategy h after many bombed his first debate. i think he will be aggressive his view the case for we should go as a country. >> the town hall for matt has strange moments in the past. senator mccain wandering aimlessly. close toetting
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george bush. and the first president bush watch in 1992. >> it is a different experience when the citizens are asking instead of professional journalists. not town hall format did popular, but now viewed.e most >> first lady michelle obama will make a campaign stop in chapel hill. campaign inll fredericksburg this evening. joe biden taking a break from campaigning to attend this afternoon's funeral for former senator arlen specter in pennsylvania. ohio police officers firstd while escorting lady michelle obama from a their motorcycle collided .esterday the officers suffered non-life- threatening injuries. the first lady was not injured. motorcaded continue on its
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route. no other vehicles were involved. >> the deadline to register to in maryland is tonight at fordlineit's the updating address information and requesting a change of polling place. registration forms must be postmarked by today at the latest. residents can .egister to vote >> a police case involved park ended when the e crashed along 28th street and fort baker drive. the park police cruiser was not actually involved in the accident. one arrest was made. no one was hurt. the search continues for the man o male students the university of maryland campus college park. they were running when by a gunman who property. one of the students complied and was joined by a
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suspect at that time and boat ran away. students were not injured. >> t-bill missing virginia men national park in montana are expected to come home soon. found neal peckens of herndon and jason hiser of richmond yesterday. got lost whilens hiking in a remote area. there were reported missing their flightssed friday. figured if they did not , it would be aht news. >> just to get that news, everyone is ecstatic. >> the search efforts were snow.ed by >> glad they are okay. getting some breaking news from afghanistan. >> let's check in with jummy olabanji at alive desk. for the desk afghanistan security service says the suicide bomber
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for a weekend attack killed the the u.s. troops not a member of the country oppose the intelligence agency. what nato reported on saturday after the attack happened. because the suicide in uniform of the getlligence agency to then blew up a suicide vest as nato troops were making a delivery to the are.uarters in canada that's driven the two u.s. troops died. kandahar. the person behind the suicide thecks only was wearing uniform and was not an official member of the agency. inside attacks are on the minds serving in troops afghanistan. year the suicide attacks 15%m insider's account for all tax and the deaths of over there. back to you. >> thank you. 50 degrees outside on this
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tuesday morning. >> still ahead, secretary of state clinton tries to ease the surroundingrestorm attack at the u.s. consulate in libya. attack at the u.s. consulate in libya. how does it brew such great coffee? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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marywe invest in them.umber one in america because but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states. question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. it will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote for question seven.
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>> at the tennessee aquarium, to
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went underdivers see who could come of he best tackle and turned -- best jack-o-lantern. >> it's 5:11 right now. check on the forecast. caskey is in bethesda chasing storms. >> i had to dust off the old storm chaser 7. she's ready to go. 51 degrees in bethesda outside station. 51 degrees. it is a comfortable morning, not uggy as yesterday, comfortable. chantilly is 49 degrees. leesburg. in landover or actually, lanham, 49. n waldorf, 52 in arlington.
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tuesday morning. we did have a little rainfall especially in .ontgomery county here's your forecast for today, 66 by 5:00 p.m.. 67 degrees for the afternoon high with mostly sunny conditions. a beautiful day. help the amount of rainfall yesterday. sunshine today. healthy amount of rainfall yesterday. back to angela foster with the commute. issues? >> no early issues so far. moving quite well. looking at most of the key routes, in virginia, interstate 66, nothing to worry about haymarket and vienna. a couple traffic cones on 95 should be out of the
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way momentary. moving quite well with no early delays. in maryland, 270 at the spur, no reported issues or delays this morning. back to you. >> thank you. 51 degrees. time, >> that news about a former georgential candidate mcgovern. why his family says he i
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i don't spend money on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station
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about once a month. last time i was at a g station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪ ♪
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>> you are watching abc 7's "good morning washington" with cynne simpson and steve chenevey. this is "good morning washington," on your side. >> payable services being held in penn valley, u.s.ylvania, for former arlen specter. the vice president will attend ceremony. after a battle with cancer at the age of 82. he served 30 years in the .enate he left the republican party in became a democrat. flags will fly at half staff the white house and other public buildings in his honor. former democratic presidential candidate george mcgovern has moved into a hospice near his home in south dakota. his daughters say that he's o the end of his life. she said her father has suffered several health problems in the
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year. he lost to president nixon in a landslide in 1972. is work in recent years has hunger.on world he's 80 years old. >> secretary clinton says the buck stops here with her when it comes to security at the u.s. in libya last month. she says that she and not the e is responsible for security of u.s. diplomatic missions overseas. the obama administration has attack for its handling of the attack that killed four americans. not dealing with a wet commute, e we? no, it's moving out. still a couple clouds, but that's about all. blue skies today. this morning, a little chilly, 54 degrees. is dry air today and
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the wind is coming in from the northwest. be a littleoing to yesterday when you see the northwest breeze. 54 degrees here. 48 in gaithersburg, 52 in hagerstown, 48 degrees in fredericksburg. totals, not impressive. about a quarter of an inch at anles and about a third of inch in leesburg, virginia. in frederick, about a third of an inch. chantilly, 0.15 inches. not enough to make the streets wet. today will be about average for the temperatures. we cannot complain. a cold front off shore. a few lingering clouds will move quickly as high pressure becomes our dominant feature. the wind will be from the northwest today. fromll start to come in by tomorrow, which
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means our temperatures will warm up. front will be our next end of theer at the week. sunny today, pleasant, 62-68. mostly clear skies tonight with 40-48. wednesday through friday, 70's. first chance of rain thursday night. we will see that on friday for sure. withet's check on traffic angela. good morning. good morning. still moving quite well out there. time of morning will see volume building especially in the areas on 66 manassas and gainesville. but as we are looking pretty beltway.the way to the eastbound lanes are open without far.s so a live look at 66 at glebe road. very light volume so far this morning. in maryland, starting to see a delay southbound starting
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109, southboundo 270 and then it opens and moving at posted speeds all the way to lane divide. back to you. >> thank you. for gamers, news but it will cost less to buy a new gaming system. >> another record set by sunday opposing a jumper. sunday's space jump. >> xbox will come with the windows.rsion of nintendo is cutting the price of its 6-year-old wii and will go $130.he bill games for the new one is next month at much and both will be on sale for the holidays. u.s. subscribers pay two times or three times as much for the
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service. wireless one reason is a lack of here.ition 24-mileumgartner's was the this weekend most viewed ever for a live youtube. as many as 8 million watching at time. i am paula faris. eggs, bacon, and pancakes.
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denny's ever vay value slam is four dollars every day. wait, is that right? eggs, bacon, pancakes. yeah. that's right. the four dollar everyday value slam. only four dollars every day. only at denny's. i put them in cookies, cereal, salads, and this is my famous cranberry baked brie.
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mmm, craisins make this so yummy. you double-dipped. i know -- it's so good. captioned by the national captioning institute
5:25 am catch!hey catch >> peyton manning rally his -0 to with .24 rivers turned the ball over six times a. >> took n francisco giants two from st. louis game. tree is on wednesday. justin verlander going to night for the tigers. brant. tim >> the giants have been made a for sunday's game against the redskins, but they the cowboys lost to and the eagles this season, enjoyingins are still victory over the vikings.
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l buzzing abou this by robert griffin. avandia 6 yards. the redskins are averaging 29 points a game with rg3 and mike shanahan knows that his quarterback is the game changer. havelot of times you'll wanting to rush everybody, like we saw yesterday. the line ofs scrimmage and you have six guys rushing and he's the one they want. nc state is chosen as the . preseason the >> the nhl and its players union will meet today to try to hammer out a deal. the lockout has kept fans out of ds and is hurting local
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businesses who depend on how to crowd. orsometimes we make $100 $150 in the week. orand we would be doing 30% business on capitals fans. >> the nhl has canceled games through october 24 and more games could be on the horizon. it's 5:27. the news continues at 5:30. >> we expect to hear from a local profs today about the that put her job local profs today about the that put her job indefinite(bell rings)
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hi. yes? you know those delicious granola bunches in honey bunches of oats? i love those. we've added more to every box. really? wow! honey bunches of oats. make your day bunches better.
5:29 am
♪ use freedom and get cash back. ♪ack. ♪ five percent on hotels and airlines. ♪ ♪ oh everybody conga line, ok! activate your 5% cash back at ♪ everybody get, erybody get! ♪ oh, please don't call me "pumpkin." no, that's white chocolate and pumpkin. oh. pumpkin. ha ha! you've never tasted pumpkin like this. try new pumpkin white chocolate or pumpkin mocha coffees and lattes today.
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>> live and in hd, this is "good morning washington," on your side.
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straight ahead, get ready the second round between the presidential nominees. in new yorket tonight. on for president obama to make up for the lackluster performance the first time around. good morning, washington. tuesday, october 16. i am cynne simpson. >> i am steve chenevey. lance jett to jacqui jeras to look at our forecast this tuesday. beautiful day to look for for this time of year with average temperatures sunshine.f much better than yesterday. 54 degrees at reagan national, dulles, 48 in culpeper, 50 bwi. today it is a classic fall day. the average high this time of is low to mid 70's -- lotus 60's, excuse me. we will be about 67. skies with low humidity.
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today.'s let's check on traffic with angela. the district, police activity blocking the left lane k streets under washington circle. well after the closure. starting in maryland, not seeing towards the capital beltway. good on 495ty .hrough college park the b-w parkway between laurel good and it'sooks annapolis on from 50. fromedsnd poste ovedover. 395 at king streets looking good. between thee beltway and the district. back to you. >> thank you. a preview of tonight's
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presidential debate at hofstra university in new york. obama's goal is to avoid a repeat of his first performance in its first face- off. romney is hoping to gain more this tight race. john gonzalez joins us with more house.tside the white >> this second presidential debate will be crucial for both campaigns. mitt romney will try to close the 20-- tant points than he trailed p in the trailedoll and the difference in campaign money raised. tonight's presidential debate setting, town hall which means audience members will be asking the questions, and americans who are still undecided.
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the president's camp assures a change of strategy. presidential debates have seen some awkward moments. was president bush in 1992.his watch the town hall-style debate was with 63 million g in.cans tunin >> this debate comes on the of romney pose a campaign announcing it raised more than in september, still behind the president with $181 million. we invite you to weigh in during debate which starts at 9:00. have before you on abc 7. on browser,e smartphone, or tablets. can give us your instant
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to the debates in real time. countyince george's with beating an unarmed university maryland student, the trial resumes. breton joe baker and james mckennand beating john in the video. during aened basketball. a witnesssketball that the yesterday officers used excessive force. lawyers say the officers acted appropriately. >> the showdown over gay marriage in maryland. chiefdet university's diversity officer is expected thepeak today about o heroversy that led t being placed on leave. petitionshe signed a to allow the gay marriage law to sheut on the ballot because believes it should be decided by the democratic process. her attorney says that she is not taking a stand on the issue. >> maryland businesses will see their taxes drop at the the new year.
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governor o'malley says the unemployment insurance tax will many.y more than half for the trust fund for unemployment stronger anduch s -- ande business owner he credits business owners for employed.rkers >> a bold admission from hillaryy of state clinton. taking thes she's
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>> we would like to say -- >> good morning, washington. >> good morning. we love the energy. we do. let's check in with jacqui jeras for the forecast. day.beautiful one of the best days of the week. we will be average. temperatures this morning, 52 in arlington, 49 degrees in woodbrige. in germantown, 49. 53 degrees in leesburg. as we look at your express forecast, mostly sunny skies and 52 at 9:00. noon, sunny and 62. 66 by 5:00 with mostly sunny skies. high temperature of 67, slightly average for this time of year. much of the rest of the week looks great.
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wednesday through friday, highs in the 70's. rain will beof friday.rsday into not much to complain about. that's the latest. let's check on traffic with angela. >> not much to complain about on the roads either. k streak incident has cleared. are reopened under washington street northwest. no major trouble spots. 395 and the 14th street bridge, folks heading into the district, early delays on 395. volume increasing on 95 starting around stafford. slowing off and on between 630 610. no reported troubles in maryland on the b-w parkway. looks good around the beltway. 0, on the brakes briefly 121.en 70 and moving at posted speed through
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germantown and bethesda. back to you. >> thank you. 5:40 is the time. correct new details in the meningitis outbreak. new details in the meningitis outbreak. with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig.
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and balanced the budget every year. and tim kaine and i both cut our own pay as governors, to lead by example. mark warner and i reached across party lines to get things done. we were a great team in richmond
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and we'll be a great team in washington. i'm tim kaine and i approve this message ...because we'll work together to restore fiscal responsibility, grow our economy and create jobs. [ male announcerer ] tim kain. bringing people together to tackle the challenges of tomorrow. >> coming up in 16 minutes, why federal officials seized some costumes that or more .f a trip than a treat -- sa trick. >> and what to watch for in tonight's presidential bait. >> and the feud behind the desk, whatdol" obama has to say about that. in has become big news when is weighing in on it. at 4:00 p.m., katie couric
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cruelty.the culture of she will talk to some have been under attack including tyra banks and star lolo jones, and anchor jennifer livingston. that's today at 4:00 on abc 7. tonight at 5:00, how to pack diet with a nutritional punch. vegetables.n super the farmers raising them say booming and people prefer help the food they can find. what you might want to include your next shopping list, at 5:00. >> circuit carry clinton taking -- blame for security issues secretary hillary clinton taking security issues at the u.s. embassy in libya. e obama administration has criticism increasing the september 11 attacks at
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american consulate in , libya, that killed stevens andhris americans. hillary clinton says when it comes to protecting american overseas, the buck here with her. >> i take responsibility. i'm in charge of the state posts.ent the president and vice president betainly would not knowledgeable about specific made by security professionals. >> joe biden added fuel to the last week's vice- debate when he said the white house was not aware of increase security. >> we were not told they wanted security. >> that contradicted state epartment employees who that the request to boost security had been made and was rejected. clinton says she's not surprised taken time to sort
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out the details. there's always going to be fog of war. the it's fair to say that everyone had the same intelligence. >> she does not want the benghazi incident to become some of blame game. police in houston are looking those who vandalized a mural of president obama. evangel painted over the president's eyes with the paint. a nearby restaurant owner who commissioned the mural says he already hired the original repaint.o owner plansant o presidential debate party and his business tonight. >> operation fast and furious, a lawsuit.
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involving the attorney gunrunning mexican produce. there's a motion asking for a maturing to manage the turnover evidence in the george zimmerman case. he started with second-degree fatal shooting in third period he said he acted in self-defense. eyes likely to be glued to newspapers in the state of maine r police have released the of menatch of names d of paying a fitness instructor for sex. lawyers for two gunmen say if to keep the list confidential. 150 people accused of going n exercise. >> tha e meningitis outbreak. drugs from a specialty
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massachusetts have been linked to the outbreak. it has extended 214 people who have 15 people it's one child has died and 37 others second in an e. coli a county faird to carolina. officials have not identify the of bacteria. the nine-day affair ended on october 7. october is breast cancer awareness month. help inking for your supporting research. >> for every new fan on facebook, we will donate $1 for breast cancer research. and spread the word. >> it's 5:49. pizza hut's free pizza stunt backfired. >> american airlines is ready to
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up -- serve up food. now to ellen braitman. >> you can control what you are going to have for dinner. some first-class and business flights if you will be s on to pre order meal select flights. includes dallas and acordia. -- and will or the airport. pizza hut launched a contests to askthe public candidatesl questions -- sausage or pepperoni? the stunt has triggered a backlash. now, contestants will be selected as a winner. it's $15,000.
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if you are still willing to take on the challenge and ask a obama orof president republican candidate mitt , pizza hut says it will still honor the prize. ellen braitman reporting for abc 7 news. >> you have to do a lot of work. for that work. jacqui jeras is back with us as happening what's outside today. it's quiet, but i cannot complain. it was pretty active yesterday. y looks so much better. it is a little chilly. current conditions at reagan with al, 54 degrees couple clouds, but no big deal. it is a little drier with a dew point of 42. the wind is out of the northwest. you know that is cool. temperatures will not make it t of the '60s as a result. it's 48 in gaithersburg, 50 in frederick, 51 in fredericksburg
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lexington park. the average today is 68 for the high temperature. reached 72 yesterday, so it felt nice to go along with the rainfall. some rainfall totals, we saw between a sense of an end to an inch for the most part. was a third of an inch in .eesburg look at gaithersburg, just shy of an inch of rain. today, there's no rain in the forecast. its wayront has made offshore. little tinkering behind this. overall, we will see blue skies today. high pressure is a dominating feature. -- there is a little lingering cloudiness. today expect mostly sunny
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pleasant conditions, 62- 68 degrees. mostly clear and cold tonight, 40-48. here's a look at your seven-day forecast. from wednesday through friday. rainfall late on thursday into friday. overall, a beautiful forecast. let's check on traffic. hopefully, that's looking good. angela? >> 1 incidents in maryland. it is a disabled vehicle traveling through temple hill. parkway, auitland brief slowdown. in montgomery county, still 270.g well on minor delays out of frederick o 121.09 t looking good on the other corridors pin number mid-county. 29 southbound moving well towards the beltway without delay. in virginia, into arlington and should be ok on 395. on route 1 at 110, moving at a
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good pace. delays around the beltway to interchange.ld back to you. >> thank you. 5:54, 50 degrees. >> week four of "dancing with ."e stars >> ♪ >> which stars tied for first place and who
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>> mitt romney has canceled thursday's appearance on "the ."ew apparently, he had scheduling problems. walters lane said that ann romney will still appear on the .how -- barbara walters said. first lady michelle obama will interview with "live! michael" to air friday. >> "saturday night live" alums to host the golden globes this time. the 70th annual golden globes air on thell contrary 13, three days after nominations are announced. considered to be an indication which films might win the
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oscars. >> another celebrity will get e boot tonight on dancing. >> paula abdul was a guest judge for last night's show. when all the dancing was over, two stars were tied for first .lace >> ♪ >> this is a bollywood routine. inwn johnson and marini first place. kirstie alley in the third place with 30 points. >> former professional wrestler is suing over a supposed to sex tape online. andsuing a disc jockey wife and a gossip gawker. he is seeking $100 million.
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a federal judge in tennessee is out a lawsuit filed by black men who claimed abc's "the bachelor" and "the discriminated against contestants of color. in april,the network claiming their bid to appear on show was rejected because not the shows have not featured a single person of in 16 seasons. but they are protected by the first amendment. >> we'll learning more about the engagement of white house party salahi. band member theriend presented her with stage. they began dating last year when she was reported missing by her husband tareq salahi.


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